viernes, 21 de julio de 2006

My boss, Mr. Ñemerson

Daniel P. Ñemerson
white executive extraordinaire
driving force of the world of information

white haired, middle-age crisis “man”
sits higher in his leather chair
and looks you straight in the eye
trying to inspire fear in your heart

arrives at nine
goes to an early hour and a half lunch
leaves at four

carefully watches over his stocks,
bonds, mutual funds,
manages technology, but doesn’t buy technology stock
since he can’t trust it

wears the same shirt every Tuesday
buy candies for his employees
in an effort to polish his tarnished image

tells you wonders on Monday
feels very disappointed about you on Wednesday
and rushes out of the office early on Fridays

likes to steal ideas from others
and pitch them like his own on management meetings
and can’t even thank you
much less give you a raise

he will critique your communication skills
and later try to address his workers
all shy and looking at the floor
and relies too much on the spell checking function
of his word-processing software

will feel threatened if anyone
looks even slightly more apt for the job than him,
and will try to belittle that person
and make him or her feel like he or she doesn’t belong

Daniel P. Ñemerson used to be Daniel C. Frecklemeier
but he gave up his family name
because he is really pussy-whipped
and his wife controls every move in his life

Daniel P. Ñemerson waited too long to become someone in life
and is now raising kids at 50
and trying to save for early retirement

He knows he wastes tax-payers money
when he looses stuff every time he leaves his office open,
but he is too proud to admit that he is in error

Daniel P. Ñemerson
says he loves Jazz,
but secretly loves Broadway musicals

He waits silently for time to pass over his miserable existence,
taking credit for the work of others,
but his errors are too evident,
and mediocrity can only last for so long…